Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day may not be a happy day

Mother's Day, a day many mothers are made to feel special and appreciated and their children get the opportunity to spoil them.  Some may even get the day of 'reduced chores' and pampering.  It's also a day where we reflect on how rewarding and challenging the role of being a mother can be. 

Mother's Day is a day we may think of our own mothers and value the role they played in our lives.  For many it's a day of smiles, cuddles, breakfast in bed and sharing the day with family.

For many though Mother's Day is full of sadness.  A day that triggers pain due to grief and loss.  For those who have lost their mother its a day of memories and reflection.  There are many people who have also lost contact with their mother who may also feel this grief on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day will also be challenging for mothers who have lost a child.  The sad memories of crisis and loss will be triggered.  The thoughts of what they may look like today and how things may have been different if their child was not taken to early.

There are many woman who for what ever reason have not been able to have children.  Mother's Day can cause feeling of grief for these women too.  The intense want for children can be emotionally exhausting and Mother's Day may intensify these feelings.

Miscarriage can also be a cause for many women to experience grief and feelings of sadness on Mother's Day.  The feeling of grief may return and trigger the sadness experience after loss.  The thoughts of "what if".

There are so many scenario's as to why a mother will grieve on Mother's Day.

These feelings of sadness can be considered as normal process of grieving with the trigger of Mother's Day.  The feelings of grief, sadness, guilt, anger, loneliness, emptiness and blame can all  be described as a normal.  It's important to work through these feelings and take the time to give your thoughts to the mother, child or role that you are grieving.

If you believe your feelings of sadness continue for an extended period;  if you are unable to participate in day to day activities due to grief and sadness over a long period of time;  if your grief consumes your thoughts for an extended period you may wish to contact a professional who will be able to work with you to move through the intense feelings to a safe space.

It is OK to feel sad for something you wish you had.

My thoughts are with all mothers on this Mothers Day. ox
Jo Kosylo

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

CONGRATULATIONS - to the receivers of gifts to celebrate International Women's Day

We have been overwhelmed with the response that was received to celebrate International Women's Day on our Facebook page.

It defiantly makes me feel inspired that there are so many women that have been recognised by their friends and family as being an incredible person.

We often forget to tell our loved ones how much we care and appreciate the work they do.
I thank everyone who nominating someone who they deserved to be recognised.

We have 4 lucky women

Rochelle Crow - Lucky winner of gift from Made with love Cards and Crafts

Lisa Jensen - Lucky winner of voucher from Bless this Mess

Renee Tomilison - lucky winner of tickets to Go Festival

Michelle Anne - Lucky winner of tickets to Go Festival

Ladies PLEASE make contact ASAP via Email to receive your gifts.


I wish I was able to provide everyone a gift who was recognised.  I do hope though that seeing your name nominated by a friend provided you with something special to remind you, that you are special.

A huge thank you to our sponsors.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It has been a long time waiting - we now have DGR

When I first had the thought of starting a Not for Profit many professionals (solicitors and accountants) advised me against it due to the endless amounts of paper work, government regulations and red tape.

I was passionate about starting Support for Mums as I knew there was a gap in our current system that needed filling. I had ifentified many families that were unable to access services as they did not 'fit' a criteria.

There have been MANY hurdles along the way.  SO much paper work and red tape.  They were right. It was not easy to set up a not for profit and passion needs to take priority.

Today we have bounced over another hurdle.  We have been approved as a Benevolent institution and been granted Deductible Gift Recipient Status by the ATO.

After many phone calls with ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission )and ATO, much research, many meetings and many more late nights our persistence has paid off.

So what does this mean for us?

We can now apply for many grants that are available.
We can now approach business and trusts that require DGR status
We can now advertise that all donations made over $2 are tax deductible.

What does it mean for you?

Every time you donate to Support for mums and their Families, not only are you assisting us to support families in need by providing them with meals, fresh fruit and vegetables or home help you can also claim this donation on your tax.
If you have donated to Support for Mums previously you can still claim your donation.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far and we look forward to working with you all in the future to help us support families in need.

Joanne Kosylo